Changing lives for the better
Although each story is unique, there is one thing they all have in common: Spirit’s Legacy Fund was integral in helping these animals by providing financial support to their families so they could get the treatment they needed.
Bailee presented to CCAH with a severe infection requiring emergency surgery. Her family could not find an animal hospital who would perform the expensive procedure without all the funds at the time of admission. Thanks to SLF, we were able to perform the surgery, save Bailee’s life, and help her family with the medical costs.

Bemo was found wandering the streets in Ann Arbor. He suffered from severe back pain and dental disease. The family who found him adopted and cared for him but did not have the funds to pay for all his care. Thanks to Spirit’s Legacy Fund, he was able to recover from the back pain and have his diseased teeth removed.
Bjorn was surrendered to CCAH when his previous owner's could not afford care when his rear limbs acutely stopped working. Bjorn was fostered by Dr. Roehrig and then officially adopted by Darcy, one of CCAH's technicians. With the help of SLF and CCAH staff, Bjorn is now running 5ks with his momma. We love you Bjorn!

Bo chewed on a bottle of Ibuprofen, which is highly toxic to pets. He ingested enough pills to cause gastrointestinal ulceration and kidney damage. Bo was hospitalized at CCAH for almost four days and now requires continued care and monitoring. Treatment cost is significant and unexpected. Spirit's Legacy Fund (SLF) is helping his family with a portion of this expense and we are so appreciative of all our supporters who donate generously. Bo and his family appreciate the help!
Boo had a life threatening emergency. He had an uretheral obstruction. He needed multiple days in the hospital an the owner needed help covering the cost of one night in the hospital

Bouncer suffers from an endocrine disorder, Hyperadrenocorticism or Cushing’s Disease. The symptoms of this illness interfere with a pet’s quality of life and make it difficult for owners to care for their furry family. There is a treatment, but it is expensive and requires fairly intensive follow-up care. Thanks to the Spirit’s Legacy Fund and the owners’ commitment to treatment, Bouncer is feeling much better!

Brittany presented to CCAH early one morning after being attacked by a neighbor dog. She had a hole in her neck, she was bleeding, and she was painful. The owners did not have the resources to provide the medical care required to help Brittany in this emergency situation. SLF allowed the team at CCAH to care for Brittany, and she make a full recovery.

Buster visits CCAH regularly for all his care. He is a sweet, beautiful dog who required treatment for an infection.
Casey stopped eating, was painful, and was hiding in the house. Any feline parent knows these are all signs of serious illness. Casey received diagnostics and supportive care while hospitalized at CCAH. Thanks to help from SLF, we were able to discharge Casey – who finished recovering at home.

Cornelius presented to CCAH because he suddenly had no use of his hind legs. His owners were unsure about his history, and were not prepared for this type of emergency. SLF provided enough funding that we could provide supportive care. We are very happy to report that Cornelius made a complete recovery.
Charlie became suddenly ill and required medical intervention. The medical treatment he required was outside his family’s budget. Thanks to SLF, he was able to receive the necessary care and return home.

Cucuy suffered from Immune-mediated hemolytic anema. Without a blood transfusion and hospitalization, she would die. Dad could not afford this intensive treatment. SLF provided Cucuy the opportunity for treatment. She has made a full recovery!

Finn presented to CCAH with gastrointestinal signs and lethargy. He required -in-hospital treatment to recover. Without this intervention, it is unlikely that he would have survived. Thanks to the generous donors of SLF, Finn was able to return to his family in much better shape!
Garfield was experiencing severe pancreatitis. His owner did not have the resources to provide the intensive care required to recover from this serious condition. She reached out to CCAH, and thanks to SLF, we were able to provide financial assistance. We hospitalized him for several days, and we are happy to report that he made a full recovery. He is now at home and enjoying family time, but not eating any lasagna!

Gata has a chronic gastrointestinal disease that requires daily medications and occasional intervention at the hospital. She often needs sedation and/or anesthesia for her medical procedures, and SLF has allowed her family to continue this care. Because of her continued and consistent care, she lives a happy and comfortable life.
Grace Kitty suffered from recurrent urinary tract infections. Her family could no longer afford the medical care required to treat this condition. Grace Kitty’s dad has cancer and is undergoing intensive treatment. Because of this, it is difficult for her family to allocate significant finances toward her chronic medical conditions. The Spirit’s Legacy Fund covered the costs of some important diagnostics so we could cure Grace Kitty’s urinary tract infections once and for all.

Henry’s family had no idea he ingested his toy’s plastic squeaker until he became ill and required emergency surgery to remove it from his intestines. Donations to the Spirit’s Legacy Fund helped Henry’s family pay for his medical care. Henry is now happily recovering at home.

Huck's dad is a veteran. He brought Huck to CCAH because of seizures. Huck and his dad were homeless together. Huck is dad's best friend and has been through everything with dad. SLF provided the necessary care to control the seizures and keep them together.
Kismet suffers from a chronic condition that requires dietary control at home as well as occasional medical intervention. At one point during his treatment, Kismet’s condition became so severe that his family truly did not think they could continue to pay for his medical care. SLF support provided enough relief that they were able to continue his care. We are happy to report that Kismet made a complete recovery and enjoys a wonderful life with his family.

Levi was experiencing significant gastroenteritis. As a young pup, these symptoms can cause significant complications. Thanks to SLF, he was feeling better within 24 hours of treatment!

Lilah is a 9yo calico who presented with multiple issues including inappropriate urination, anorexia, vomiting, and diarrhea. A range of diagnostics was needed to address each medical concern and SLF assisted with the cost. We love caring for Lilah and all of our patients!
Luca is a beautiful corgi and service dog! She was suffering from dermatitis and arthritis in early September but is now back to helping her Mom thanks to Spirit's Legacy Fund's contribution. We love caring for Luca!

Lucy presented to CCAH with a severe infection requiring emergency surgery. Her family needed financial assistance to save her life. Thanks to SLF, we were able to provide the necessary medical care. Lucy and her family are so grateful.

Lucy E.
Lucy is a spectacular African Gray who had squamous cell cancer on her leg which required amputation. With the help of Spirit's Legacy Fund, the owner was able to have the life saving surgery at Compassionate Care Animal Hospital.

Maggie has an immune-mediated disorder called Immune-mediated Thrombocytopenia. She has been on medications for over a year but her condition is complicated and her recovery has been slow. She required further diagnostics to determine treatment alternatives. The Spirit’s Legacy Fund paid for Maggie’s abdominal ultrasound which helped adjust her treatment plan.
Makana was experiencing a skin condition that made him itchy and unhappy. His family sought our help and needed financial assistance with the cost of medication. We are happy to report that this handsome guy has made a full recovery.

Marshmallow became ill while his owner was home visiting from college. The Spirit’s Legacy Fund was able to pay for a portion of his treatment and give the two some quality time together.

Maverick contracted Parvovirus - a serious illness that usually infects young dogs and can be fatal. The treatment required for this illness is intense and requires the puppy to be hospitalized for fluid and medication therapy. In this case, providing financial assistance allowed him receive the care he needed to save his life.

Mesa was relinquished to CCAH as a senior kitty because she was urinating around the house. A CCAH team member adopted her! Although she needed more medical care than expected including an emergency dental procedure, SLF helped covered some of the cost of the procedure.

Nova is a young cat and very loved by his mom. He suddenly stopped eating and drinking. He required overnight care and advanced diagnostics. Thanks to SLF, we were able to provide all his care. He returned home a healthy cat who continues to enjoy life with mom and his feline sister.

Odie is a wonderful 12 year old terrier mix who came to CCAH with hemorrhagic diarrhea, vomiting, and no appetite. His temperature was 95.2 - a normal range is 100.5 to 102.5 so he was very ill and cold! Odie required multiple days of hospitalization and thanks to SLF's contribution to cost of care, we were able to hospitalize and Odie made a full recovery!
Oscar ingested thread several months ago. The thread caused an obstruction in his GI tract and he required emergency surgery. Oscar returned to CCAH in January with another GI obstruction. The Spirit’s Legacy Fund helped Oscar’s mom pay a small portion of the second surgery. Oscar is now home recovering.

Petey became suddenly ill and required hospitalization for supportive care. Petey is not only an awesome dog but a very special family member. The young man who cares for Petey explained to us that Petey was actually his mother’s dog, and she passed away almost 1 year to the day that Petey became ill. Thanks to generous donations, Spirit’s Legacy Fund helped this family and Petey made a full recovery.
Portland presented to CCAH with a urethral obstruction – which is 100% fatal without immediate intervention. Portland’s owner did not have the financial resources to cover the cost of the extensive care required. If SLF had not been able to help, Portland’s mom would have been faced with his certain death and discomfort. Gratefully, the medical staff at CCAH provided the necessary treatment, and Portland is enjoying life with his family.

Raven needed extensive surgery and hospitalization to remove cancerous masses. Thanks to SLF, we were able to perform the surgery and hospitalize her for post-operative care to control pain and facilitate her recovery.
Rocko is an older dog who suffers from Chronic Kidney Disease. This condition can often times be managed with diet and supportive medications, however, there are times that this illness requires hospitalization and intensive care. Rocko developed complications and thanks to assistance provided by Spirit’s Legacy Fund, Rocko recovered.

Rocky suffered from an endocrine disorder, Hyperadrenocorticism or Cushing’s Disease. The symptoms of this illness interfere with a pet’s quality of life and make it difficult for owners to care for their furry family. There is a treatment, but it is expensive and requires fairly intensive follow-up care. Thanks to the Spirit’s Legacy Fund and the owners’ commitment to treatment, Rocky is feeling much better!

Rutie is a lovely senior gal who came to CCAH with multiple masses and significant dental disease. With the help of Spirit’s Legacy Fund, Rutie's parents were able to proceed with surgery and she is doing very well!

Saturday was being fostered when she became very ill. She required hospitalization and surgery. Thanks to the Spirit’s Legacy Fund, we were able to provide the medical care necessary to heal Saturday. Her foster mom was able to then place her in a loving home.
Sebastian was adopted with eye problems which led him to having both eyes removed. The owner had a difficult time getting him to a vet after that. It wasn't until he completely stopped eating for days that she decided it was best to bring him in. He was diagnosed with kidney disease. He was later euthanized due to complications of kidney disease.

Shylo suffers from both renal disease and IBD. It is difficult to treat both conditions. Mom does a great job of managing, but there are times when Shylo needs more intensive care. In this case, her renal disease was worsening and she needed in-hospital care. SLF allowed mom to provide this care.

Simba suffers from Leukemia. Cats can life with this chronic illness and enjoy a good quality of life during treatment. SLF allowed Simba’s family to provide the long-term, chronic care she needed to minimize her illness and give her extra time with her family.

Stella came to CCAH after being in labor for over 15 hours. She could not deliver her puppy, and her family could not find a hospital that would provide the surgery within their budget. SLF allowed the doctors and medical team at CCAH to provide the life-saving surgery for Stella. Without this intervention, both mom and puppy would have died. Stella was in extreme pain and distress – it is rewarding for the medical team to be able to provide the necessary care to save a life.

Thankfully this sweet new puppy had a very devoted dad! Sterling got very sick with vomiting and diarrhea to the extent he required hospitalization. This was devastating to Sterling's dad and overwhelming as a new 'parent'. He was very grateful to Spirit's Legacy Fund for the financial assistance so that Sterling could receive the necessary care.
Sydney stopped eating, stopped socializing, and was very sick. In order to properly diagnose his condition, he needed an abdominal ultrasound. Thanks to the Spirit’s Legacy Fund, an abdominal ultrasound and was performed and revealed severe, chronic pancreatitis. Sydney received the necessary treatments and is now home…enjoying life.

Tinker is a cat who lives with FIV – Feline Immunodeficiency Virus. He is happy and loved, but occasionally needs special medical care because of his condition. SLF allows his family to provide a loving home while maintaining his health and well-being.

Winston had a very severe UTI and his owner was let go from their job due to COVID so could not afford diagnostics. They also had very limited funds for medications.
Zoe is an almost 16 yr shih tzu mix recently diagnosed with kidney disease.

Zoomer developed a neurologic condition that required extensive hospitalization and IV medications (he was so sick that he could not swallow oral medicine). After spending a significant amount of money on specialty medical care, Zoomer’s mom could not afford the prolonged hospitalization and nursing care required. Spirit’s Legacy Fund helped cover these costs. We are happy to report that Zoomer recovered and is home with his family.