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Michele Forbes


Rocky suffered from an endocrine disorder, Hyperadrenocorticism or Cushing’s Disease. The symptoms of this illness interfere with a pet’s quality of life and make it… Read More »Rocky


Saturday was being fostered when she became very ill. She required hospitalization and surgery. Thanks to the Spirit’s Legacy Fund, we were able to provide… Read More »Saturday


Saturday was being fostered when she became very ill. She required hospitalization and surgery. Thanks to the Spirit’s Legacy Fund, we were able to provide… Read More »Saturday


Simba suffers from Leukemia. Cats can life with this chronic illness and enjoy a good quality of life during treatment. SLF allowed Simba’s family to… Read More »Simba


Simba suffers from Leukemia. Cats can life with this chronic illness and enjoy a good quality of life during treatment. SLF allowed Simba’s family to… Read More »Simba


Sydney stopped eating, stopped socializing, and was very sick. In order to properly diagnose his condition, he needed an abdominal ultrasound. Thanks to the Spirit’s… Read More »Sydney


Sydney stopped eating, stopped socializing, and was very sick. In order to properly diagnose his condition, he needed an abdominal ultrasound. Thanks to the Spirit’s… Read More »Sydney


Tinker is a cat who lives with FIV – Feline Immunodeficiency Virus. He is happy and loved, but occasionally needs special medical care because of… Read More »Tinker